The soul of water
The Journey of Life
The journey you are on now is the best one for you, and in the best way possible. Perhaps you do not realize at this moment why that is so, but the reason you have come to it is precisely so that you would come to understand it, so you would come to understand all parts of yourself, overcome all obstacles. Happiness, contentment, sorrow, and pain are only stops you come across along the way on your journey.
You come from the divine, and to the divine you return. You yourself are divine, an indestructible part of existence. Go forth with that thought, go forth and rejoice at every new stop on your journey.

Image of Yourself
Place an image of yourself in front of you, the way you imagine your likeness to be. And then, look it in the eyes. Did you like what you saw? Then, stand before a mirror and look at yourself, your image, all together. Thank yourself for being here because if you are here, there is a reason for it. Promise yourself that you will find it. Promise yourself that you will try to find all that is best for you. Promise yourself joy, beauty, and freedom, regardless of what form they exist in. Your promise will take you to where they are found. Promise yourself happiness, and you will have it because that is your natural state.

Air fairies
Each “difficult” situation in your life has pushed you forward and motivated you to survive. That’s what people have in common with all other life on Earth — animal life and plant life. The will to survive is what was given to you upon your arrival on Earth in order to keep you from leaving it quickly. So, proudly hold your head high and understand that it is you who resolves all situations. You have been given power, just like everybody else. Do not cast away that which has been given to you, but rather, use it, and understand your greatness. Once you do, a smile will appear on its own.

Trees: The sages of the past
Each event which occurs without the presence of a struggle within it will lose the energy it requires for progress. You are fighters, and you have come to this Earth as such, but fighters for your own happiness and inner freedom, for love. Without a fight, your move forward will be slow, your body will just slide along a designated path.
Stand before this world you are in and fight. Fight for yourself, for others, for the world, but without weapons, because your mind, your inner strength, your energy, and the part of you which is divine are strong enough driving forces with which you can overcome all obstacles.

The soul of water
Sorrow is a cleansing process which makes it possible for you to understand what happiness is. Without it, you would not see, you would not experience, joy. Sorrow is here to wash off of you and wash out of you all the things that you do not need. It should be your dear companion, showing you what is tensing you up inside and keeping you from taking a step forward. It should then pack your problem into a bag and leave with it. It will do that, if only you let it.

Your life should be like a sandwich. The more you put in it, the more interesting and savoury it is. But if you do not think while putting it together, and just stuff into it everything you find within your reach, it will be inedible, regardless of how colourful its ingredients are.
You have no limits in your life except the ones you have imposed on yourself. So, let your life be like a sandwich, a big one, the biggest one, but with carefully selected ingredients.

Air fairies
What do you think your success is measured by? How will you know you have succeeded? By everybody applauding and marvelling at you, or by you knowing that you have achieved success? Each mountain is different, and each one demands at least a little effort to make it to the top. But, the reward is happiness — the satisfaction which comes after investing some effort and the peace which fills your being are sufficient rewards for all the effort you have made on your climb. And that is why you should not allow anybody to take away that success because you made the climb, regardless of whether or not there was an audience around to watch you. That inner cheering and inner applause you hear are enough proof that the success is YOUR success.

Trees: The sages of the past
You can feel lonely in even the largest of crowds. Loneliness only exists if you have lost all that is valuable within you and have been left like an empty shell. In even the loneliest of places, your soul can feel joy. Do not seek others to keep you company; do not expect others to keep your sorrow at bay. Find out and see what makes you happy, and fill yourself up with it. Fill up your shell, and the loneliness will disappear. Then you will be ready to go on; you will be happy regardless of how many other people are around you.

Air fairies
The Feeling of Relaxation
Do you know how to really relax? Do you know that feeling when you are so relaxed that you disappear? The stress and bustle you live your life in hold your body tight; they keep it tensed up and deprive it of its natural state of relaxation. If you understood that existing in your natural state is one of the most important factors of success in this world, perhaps you would direct more of your attention towards that. Perhaps you would see that your tensed-up state is pushing away all the good opportunities around you and is closing your eyes to what you need to see.
Relax your body and allow your soul to guide you. That way you will get all that you deserve, and that way you will find your happiness.

The soul of water
You are your own best friend. If you are not, all others around you will feel the need to run the other way. So don’t go around looking for friends until you have befriended yourself. The moment you do, all others will come to be near you too, all others who are supposed to.

Air fairies
The understanding to see things as they are, not as you wish they were, puts you in the position of the calm observer. That is your soul’s most natural state, for you did not come here to judge. Remove yourself from that which you do not like; do not try to change it. You have numerous life paths, and there are at least a few where you can feel comfortable. The moment you proceed that way, horizons you have not yet seen will open up before you because your soul will feel free.

Trees: The sages of the past
An imprint of your life remains in the space around you even when your body is no longer there. It is a testimony that you lived in this form and is a teacher on your next journey. Everything you ever did and everything you will ever do is absorbed into your imprint. All your thoughts, your feelings, desires… Try to understand that your present-day imprint is very important for your future existence; it will be one of your teachers on your future path, and it will send you messages and instructions, in quiet and subtle ways. So, try to live this life at your best, to be the best version of yourself, to record in it all your knowledge, happiness, love, and dreams. Leave much behind as your legacy, be the outstanding essence of yourself, be the highest form you can be.

Trees: The sages of the past
When you receive an announcement, what do you do with it? If it is good, you most likely share your happiness with everyone; if it is sad, you most likely keep your sorrow to yourself, and after some time, share it with everyone. And you cannot miss announcements — they come just when you need them and don’t want them. Try to now, already, look forward to a new announcement, and when the next one comes, try to embrace it with inner gratitude, regardless of what it is like. When you understand that they are messages sent by the universe to motivate you to go on, you will understand their value; you will understand that they are here to help you along your journey.

The soul of water
Learning leads you to heights where you understand that you do not know anything, and that there is too much knowledge for just one life of yours. But, that should not discourage you from discovering and understanding new things because it would be sad to spend this life at the baseline where you began; what good would come of that? Like a pitcher of water which no-one ever used. Unlike the pitcher, you have been given the opportunity to get moving on your own. Don’t you think it would be a shame not to use it?

Trees: The sages of the past
It is okay to occasionally stop and rest your body, to allow your soul to gather impressions and gather energy to take on new endeavours. But, waiting for the day to come when you will set out somewhere will most likely lead to that day never coming.
With each day you wait, you will feel increasingly insecure, your fear will grow and turn all the situations around you into unfavourable ones. So, leave behind the waiting and set out, stop when you need a break and then set out again. Do not allow waiting to lead you away from the most important thing you have come here for: living your own life.

Air fairies
Giving Up
If you give up on all your plans now, you are giving up on that part of your personality which wants to be happy. If you deny it that happiness, you are denying yourself the satisfaction you would feel after having achieved it. Giving up sets you back a step and it makes your path more difficult. It scatters it with hurdles, not ones which make you grow, but ones you trip up on, and only then learn something from: You learn you should never have given up.
Today is the day to throw your decision to give up to the wind and to watch it disperse and disappear. Step into this day with your head held high because your path is clear.

Air fairies
Why would you want to see your life in advance? Even if it could be seen, you would be disappointed. You would say you did not reach your full potential; you would say that you could have done some things better. You would say all of that and feel disappointed. You would give up on this life because you would feel that nothing could be remedied any more.
So why wouldn’t you instead immediately begin to make the most that is possible of your life? That way, when you look back in the end, you will be able to feel satisfaction at what was done, and you will understand that those things were in your life only to help you grow into the best version of yourself.

The truth is not what you think as long as you think you know the truth. Your truth is just as real to you as are other truths to other people. Every person has their own truth, and all truths are equally valid. Perhaps tomorrow, you will change your truth, or perhaps this one stays with you for a while. It does not matter because the truth is the truth for itself.

Most people are afraid of years, of growing old; they are afraid that their youth will pass them by but, they do not understand what beauty is to come, equal to that of their early youth, equal to what is now, that same beauty is coming to them and should be welcomed. With each passing year, you change and adapt. This is a system which should not be greased or repaired; it is a system which is the same for everyone and which should be accepted; it is the system of transience.
Each new year changes you into someone wiser, and only someone thus wiser is able to understand that just now and right here are exactly where they should be.
Thus, there is no point in thinking about the years which are coming at you, because you are not yet that wise. For now, make the best possible use of your current wisdom, and the wisdom that is yet to come will be of an even better quality. Do not play against transience, play for it, and you shall see how much good it can bring you.

The starting point is where you are now, regardless of where that is. “Your” starting point is there. All you need is the readiness to get going. You will not know the way forward, no matter how carefully you draw out the map, because paths change, and one spring or one winter could cover up or change them all. But, the goal remains the same. It is always here because you are the one who set it, and only you are able to change it. You cannot calculate the time either, because once you have the goal in mind, you have actually already reached it; it is just a question of how you will untangle everything around you in order for the goal to now become the starting point of a new goal. You will then realize that you have moved nowhere at all, that there was no path, or goal, or time…you will realize that all that exists is your starting point, and that is all that will ever exist. And then, it’s up to you to find the best way to forever feel like a winner at the finish line while standing at that starting point.

Air fairies
One-Minute Memories
From one minute to the next, your emotions change, like the hands of a clock. The new ones come one after another, and the old ones fidget about wondering where to go now. If you let them crowd into such a small space, you will end up with clutter that will be difficult to get rid of later because they will weave into your every pore and become a part of you. So, be like a stopover for your thoughts and your emotions. The new ones won’t come to you if the old ones aren’t ready to leave. It’s like letting the wind flow through you, cleaning you and bringing you something new. Imagine how blessed you are to have so many things coming in; it would be a shame not to use them now.

Air fairies
The Joy of Existence
All of us exist. Every tree, every flower, every man, every animal, exists. And our existence is here, whether or not we are currently happy about it. We can change dimensions or cities, but still we continue to exist. Nobody, not even we, ourselves, can take that away from us.
And since we are already here, why not delight in it? Why not allow our souls, our bodies, our thoughts the freedom we have been gifted? Open a window, breathe in the air, close your eyes, and allow your soul to rejoice. Afterwards, step outside and bring that joy to everyone around you.
Show them how to exist; show them the joy of existence.

The soul of water
Doubt / Fear
Doubt is a fear which builds up walls around you and prevents you from seeing the landscape in all its beauty. Doubt forces you to make choices and takes you back to the starting point. That is not bad, either. You start from the beginning.
But, think about whether that is what you have come here for. Have you decided to go back again and again, or are you interested in knowing what is behind those tall walls? The moment you clear yourself of doubt, like you would remove your coat in the spring, you will feel the lightness and joy which will carry you over those walls.
And when you turn around, you will see that those walls never even existed.

Air fairies
Look out through the window and behold the morning. Wish it a warm welcome regardless of what it brings. Joy and sorrow are your emotions; accept them as such.
Now close your eyes and try to wish for… the morning you want it to be. And then, exchange it for today’s morning. The moment you realize that the morning will be just as you make it, you will become the master of your fate, the creator of the life around you.

The soul of water
Inhale. Exhale. And feel relief wash over every cell in your body. Allow your body to relax, let it rest for a moment. Your soul cannot grow weary — your energy is boundless, but your body is subject to forces, and as such, you must respect it. The more you value it, the more grateful it will be, and your relationship will transcend all these earthly constraints.
Treat it like you would your best friend or a child, offer it only the best and, occasionally, make it rejoice. Understand that it needs a lot if you want your union to be long-lasting. Awaken within it its worth, and you will feel yourself reach a new level, where happiness, peace, and joy are standing at the gate.

Air fairies
It changes forms without you even noticing. But regardless of that, each time it does, it is still just a cloud to you. You will not resent its transformation, but that of people, you will.
And so look at people as if they were clouds. They are who they are, regardless of their form, even when they disappear. Their existence cannot be destroyed by anything. Look at them at their core, and pay no attention to the forms you do not like. Welcome them, like you welcome yourself. Do not judge them or yourself. Strip them down to their core with your gaze, and greet yourself within them. And how could you be angry at something so primal, at something so natural and full of beauty?

Trees: The sages of the past
Your home is where you are. Where you are right now is your home. Because you are everything, and everything is you, you cannot even exist outside of that. But there are places you prefer, and then you call them your home. Why would you limit yourself? Why should things be boundaries for you if you exist across all things? Make yourself your home. Put all those beautiful things you love in yourself. Imprint them into your being, and you will feel at home wherever you go. Understand that you are great, and act upon it. There are expanses in front of you, and you, yourself, are an expanse.

The soul of water
Look deep into the water and see its beauty. Look at that strength, power, and that grandeur. And tell it how beautiful it is. And now, just for a moment, look at who you said that to. You will see that the water you were marvelling at until a moment ago is now fairly far away from you. But, the water passing by you now is equally beautiful, as if there were no difference whatsoever.
That is how it is, too, with this world. All of us together make it beautiful. And so thank the universe for your being here and having the opportunity to take part in this game, and try to play out your role as best you can.

Air fairies
Imagine that you put every thought you ever had in this life into a jar. There would be no jar in this world which would be big enough to hold all your thoughts. And do you think they would matter now?
Thoughts are like purifiers: they bring order to your mind or they make an even bigger mess which the next thought will clean up, which is why there is no point in remembering them. Look at each thought and release it. Allow it to fly as far away as possible, and allow yourself to move forward and not be burdened by anything anymore because every time you analyze things, you give yourself more to worry about.
Today is a day when you need no thoughts. If one comes, greet it, accommodate it, and then send it off again.

Air fairies
The excitement surging through your body can bring you many benefits. It gives you hope and the feeling that you are alive. There are many ways for you to get to that pulsation, and all of them are equally good. Do not close yourself off in your shell, and allow your body, mind, and soul to live.
Do not fear bad things; don’t see them as bad, and they will not be bad if they happen.
If you do not allow your body the feeling of pulsating, you lose what makes your existence in this world different from the existence of your soul in eternity. So allow your body to live, and live with it. Pulsate with all of your being.

Air fairies
Give the gift of a smile to every person you meet today and send them love. It will potentially stir in them dormant emotions, and they will begin sending smiles to others. …The smile you have sent, by being spread, will travel far, far away, perhaps to another city.
That way, the love which accompanies all of you will open up new doors, ones that had, perhaps, previously been closed, and you will see how powerful they are: that love, and the smile which accompanies it.

Air fairies
Every drop of rain which falls to the ground carries with it a message, just as does every human being who comes into this world. But, all those droplets know that they are too small to act alone, so they join forces and together create enormous torrents which clean, purge, and bring change.
Look at the rain and understand that you came into this world to find the others. Only then can changes begin to happen.

The soul of water
Imagine staying in one spot throughout this life of yours. And imagine that everything which came into and went out of your life just passed by you: all the people, things, events, all the countries and continents. Imagine that, at the same time, your thoughts are calm and your soul is content. That is the goal you should be aiming for: dreaming while awake and living in a dream, with a calm existence and a peaceful soul.

Air fairies
Power. Strength. A feeling of helplessness before the force which is stirring inside you.
And now stop, and for a moment, look inside yourself. You are the one in control of everything; it is you who wrote the script for this life. So allow the storm to thunder through you and take with it all things old and abandoned, all the things which you no longer need. Allow it to wash over you, and thank it for the experience it gave you. Then sit back, relax, and smile at the sun, which always awaits you after the storm.

Trees: The sages of the past
Memories are a path to your past. Sometimes that path is lit and strewn with flowers, and sometimes it runs through dark tunnels. Are you certain they are important, the memories you are thinking of now? Perhaps you should, just for a moment, stop and see what these memories bring you. Is it an experience which moves you forward and brings a solution to all your current problems?
It is dismal to walk along a path which no longer exists, even if it is strewn with flowers. Go back to the path, see what you’ve learned from it, and then move on down the path which now awaits you, the path where all you wish for can be found.

Air fairies
Readiness arouses within you the desire to experience a challenge. The very moment you make the decision, it takes you in an entirely new direction, which gives you the strength to go on. Your desire for something to be done awakens the fighting spirit inside you, and your soul lays out signs for you. Follow those signs, let them lead the way, and the goal in front of you will come, blowing in like the wind.

The soul of the water
Sorrow and joy
Ripples: they carry within themselves just as much sorrow as joy. If you canceled them out, you would get the essence of being. Released in nature, water clears its own path. And in doing so, it rinses away and cleanses everything in its way. But, it does not hold things back; it lets them continue along their own course.
As you walk through your life, you are like water, equal parts sorrow and joy, in a state of being. But then, events pull you in close and your bag suddenly grows heavier. Your state is swung into one of sorrow or joy. And instead of letting it go, you continue collecting feelings along the way, and soon just one bag is no longer enough to hold them all.
What would it be like if you began acting like you were in a museum? You are allowed to look at the art, but you cannot take it with you. Look at each emotion you come across on your way, examine it carefully from every angle, and allow it to teach you something, but then move on without it. That way you will grow, but your bag will be light, as will be your step.

In the twilight of the day
You think you need different places in order to live out your life, in order to be happy. Look at the tree: it does not go anywhere, not even to find a bed to rest in at the end of the day.
Your mind is always in search of new places, your measure of happiness grows with each move to “a better place”.
Why shouldn’t all events come to you; why do you need to run after them? <br> Why not invite happiness to share your home with you, whatever it may be like? And then, when you both decide, you and your happiness can move on together in search of new experiences.
But, do not live three steps behind it, constantly thinking things will be better as soon as you catch up with it. Be like the tree, stand still inside yourself and invite over for a visit all that you need the most: happiness, love, prosperity, peace…

Air fairies
You grew wings before you knew they existed. They are woven together from your thoughts and feelings. And they’re grand. They do not know of the limits you place upon yourself in this world. They serve as a reminder of your freedom and your true nature.
What would happen to the wind if you closed it up in a box? Do you think it would continue to live on?
At first, you would say the wind had stopped, disappeared, but if you were to take a better look, you would see that all its parts were still there, just waiting, holding still. Like you: All your parts are here, too, but the limitations you have placed upon yourself in this world have quietened the wind inside you.
But it is still there, ready to fly away. And as you sit in that box, holding still with your wind, knowing that your strength has not been taken away; it is only waiting.

Fragrant Dream
The fact that you are breathing does not mean you are alive. It just means your body is working. To be alive in this world means much more. It means to breathe in all the love and all the joy and to allow it to spread through your body.
Imagine a dream so powerful and fragrant that nothing will allow you to wake from it. Imagine your happiness in it. Now open your eyes, and do not leave the dream. Allow it to completely take you over with its aromas and its power, its warmth and joy, then go out into this life and live it because who says that this, too, is not just a dream? When you realize you can do anything you want, you will know that dreams never end.

Air fairies
Driving force
If there was an on and off switch on your body, what would you do with it? Would you work eternally or would you choose stillness? Do you think you would be happier then?
Choices place decisions before man, and they bring worries. And worries are the opposite of the peace and harmony this life should have.
So travel like the wind and allow your strength and happiness to be your only driving force.
Allow your inner love to spread to the whole world and sing with it. Everything that was supposed to be chosen already has been, so let life unfold, and connect with it. Be like a leaf in the wind which doesn’t care where it falls because its faith is stronger than all else. It does not even know of anything else.

Becoming grounded
Becoming grounded begins with the process of beginning to heal your soul. When it decides to push its roots deep into the soul of the Earth and show you what strength is. Your conscious willingness is your driving force, but the part of you which is unconscious is either your worst enemy or your greatest friend. Your decision lets the universe move through you and makes you your own judge, but without any wrong answers.
The day that all of your parts decide to live, you will experience strength in its fullest sense. Through your roots, you will connect with the soul of the Earth and allow the universe to flow through you, for what are you if not a unity hidden within itself?

The soul of the water
Morning dew
You wake up like the most beautiful flower bathed in morning dew. You stand on your feet, full of joy and self-confidence. The cries you hear are coming from you, from within. It is your soul exalting at your great fortune.
Today is a day when you need no advice, today is a day when your happiness rouses others, like morning dew. Go forth into the day with a smile on your face, rejoice at each new step, reach your hand out to each man, and be that which you are: elusive, radiant, calm — just like the morning dew.

Growing up
You are walking along the path of your life and stumbling, but standing up again. Each pebble on that path is a signpost which you will remember. Embrace them all like a child and allow them to be your teachers. Express your gratitude each time that you stumble and march on with your head held high. By walking with your head bowed, you might avoid some falls, but you will, without a doubt, miss the beauty of life which surrounds you.
So, make all your wishes come true as you walk down this path of life by collecting your pebbles as memories of all that has helped you grow.

Blades of grass
You are swaying in the memory of your life. You allow images to calmly pass by you. You look at all the situations and you realize how much love you were given, and how much grace. One look at your life calls to mind all the good and beauty which have surrounded you. That is a feeling you should have every day, regardless of what has happened that day, because those are memories which drive you forward and tell you how fortunate you are with your life, and how many experiences you have been given. So turn around and look, with a tear in your eye — not from grieving the past or what has been lost, but rather from joy at being afforded the opportunity to grow, just like a blade of grass which never surrenders.

Trees: The sages of the past
The stillness of dreaming
You are awake, but you are dreaming. And that is called life because the difference between dreams and reality is small, almost non-existent. All you need to have is the stillness of dreaming, a total sense of peace which seeps through your entire body. Just like a tree, whose stillness heals all that is around it, and which doesn’t care what is a dream and what is reality.
Your actions are reflected in all the things around you. So, when times are tough, say “Maybe it’s just a dream, but I don’t know it, but it doesn’t even matter, all that matters is my sense of peace.” And then, like a tree, stand still in the world around you, allowing it to grow beside you.

The soul of the water
What is happiness but a swaying emotion which thrills and inspires each time it appears? The reflections of its arrival can be felt like droplets of water on the body. Like a wave, elation crashes down on you and waves of excitement begin to surge. But, that feeling cannot be bottled up because, just like water, it loses its power and disappears. Happiness is freedom, and you cannot control it because you might lose it.
So, the next time it comes, greet it like your dearest friend, wish it a warm welcome and allow it to move freely through your body and mind, to bring joy to your soul. And when you see it leaving, disappearing, bid it farewell and wish it a safe journey, and look forward to each new moment that you will spend together.

Air fairies
Just like a gust of wind which is able to become still, you, too, can become still in one place. Those are valuable moments which enable you to see your life from every angle. That moment is priceless, and it should not be rushed.
All the decisions you make in life are the right ones because there are no wrong decisions. Your attitudes and your thinking move you from one place to the next. They make it possible for you to make progress. That is why you cannot make a wrong choice. But when you see that a moment of stillness has arrived, take it as a new decision with which you become still, and with which you allow your body, mind, and soul to relax.
And no matter how long that moment lasts, at that point in time it is needed, but you are free like the wind, so in those moments, too, relish your freedom.

You can see numerous forms within yourself. Just like when you look at a stone, you will discover in it things you did not notice at first glance.
It is the same with people. In each of you, lies every person in this world, it is up to you alone which one you will present to the world. Everything you see in others, you have within yourself. And that is why you are so magnificent: because you are a microcosm of the world, and because you have a choice.
Therefore, look at others as though you were looking at yourself, and do not allow your thoughts to pass judgment. Instead, grow and expand until you reach a point where your actions will be the best teachers.

A sense of freedom
Flickering in the sun, you feel freedom spread throughout your body. You feel power being given to each of your cells. Even when they grow old, your freedom expands beyond those boundaries. The transience you see around you is only part of a vast circle where nothing begins and nothing ends. It only changes its form.
It is thus, too, with your emotions and with your life. Let it glide, and rejoice at each new shift. Look at the beauty in everything, because it does exist in everything.

Air fairies
Connection with the universe
The glorious sensations which are gliding through you are trying to relieve you of doubt because you are the one who gives and who receives. The power of the magnificent universe is manifest in every breath you take, letting you know that you are alive. As long as it is so, your soul wants experiences, and they are your reward for all your efforts. Each teardrop of yours and each smile is a trifle for the ultimate joy of growth. Do not fear the next step. Allow the strength you possess within to spill onto the path before you, leading you to your pinnacle. Should you shed a tear in the process, see it as a tear of joy for the opportunity you have been afforded, for the joy of being alive.

Trees: The sages of the past
The power of life
Stand like a tree, in the snow and in the sun. Stand and watch. That is what you need to be in this moment: the tree — powerful, great, strong, full of knowledge. Allow your arms to embrace the sky and your core to connect with the Earth. Grow one with this planet. If you thus embrace your life, you will become it, and you will discover it is here for you, and that you are the one making the rules.

Trees: The sages of the past
A better tomorrow / today
Stand wisely, taking in all the aspirations of the world for a better tomorrow. That new tomorrow will come when you are ready for it. It is here now, already. Open your eyes and surrender to it; allow your soul to swim down the path it has chosen. The effort it takes to do that is small in comparison to the satisfaction that it brings.

Trees: The sages of the past
Stand upright and do not let the wind carry you away. You are like a giant base, carrying all the joy of this world on its shoulders. Ponder all the power of your existence, and delight in it. Nothing and nobody can take that away from you, so be persistent. There are ups and downs ahead, but with knowledge and determination, your obstacles are insignificantly small.

Air fairies
Listen for it. It’s coming - the one which purifies and calms. After it, nothing is the same. That’s why it’s time for change. Put on your coat and allow the wind to carry you. And do not fear changes, for they are good—they bring happiness into your life. Learn to accept them, and you will realize that flying with the wind is easy.

The soul of the water
Surrender and meld into the reflection of our radiance. Allow it to enter you and become part of you. That way you will always carry us — nature — within yourself.
And know that you are fortunate to walk this Earth, and that we are happy you are here.
Relax, and walk into the dawn of a new morning with the knowledge that your worries are already resolved.
Only that way can you allow the universe to work for you, and only that way will you be accepting of all events.